Library Tech Problems

The most common issue that you might have with the library technology is being unable to login to library resources from off campus. Here are a few suggestions to get connected.

To trouble shoot, double check you are using the correct Bengal ID. Your Bengal ID is a nine-digit number that is found in BengalWeb on the "Academic Tools" tab in the box labelled ISU ID. If you are using the correct Bengal ID and last name to login, but are still having issues, report the issue to the Library Systems group or Chat with a Librarian.

If you are a new student at ISU, you will not have access to library resources until after you have registered for classes. If you are an existing student but not registered for any classes during the current semester, you will not have access to resources during that semester until after you register for the next semester. 

For grad students who are working on a thesis/dissertation and not registered for classes, please report the issue to the library Systems group.

For faculty or staff are unable to get access, please report the issue to the library Systems group.